Why Us?

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The Difference That Matters

On a beautiful sunny day, five years ago, two hiring managers made a decision to each hire someone.

They were very much alike, these two hiring managers. And so were their organisations. Both were group execs for automotive component manufacturers. And both were hiring a new head of manufacturing for their new facility. They also both knew each other as they had attended an industry conference together, where they had shared their dreams of growing their new facility into an industry leader.

Recently, these two hiring managers met up again at another industry conference.

They were still very much alike. Both were still running their manufacturing organisations, and both still had the person they hired working for them.

But there was a difference. One hiring managers organisation had grown into the major industry player, while the other organisation was about to fold. One hiring manager felt proud and exhilarated, the other felt devastated.​

What Made The Difference?

Have you ever wondered, as we have, what makes this kind of difference in an organisation? It isn't that one organisation tries harder than the other. It isn't that one organisation wanted success and the other didn't.

The difference lies in how they find high-impact talent to build and grow their organisation. Because people make all the difference in the world.

And that is why we are speaking to you and to people like you about Xenitho's Industry Leading Talent Sourcing services. Because that is our purpose: To find you the people that make a high-impact in your organisation. The top 2% of performers that build your organisation every day—to make it better and even better. Until the improvements make your organisation unrecognisable.

A Talent Sourcing Consultancy Unlike Any Other

You see, Xenitho provides a service unlike any other. While there are many out there who are good at finding lots of CVs (perhaps like the guys you currently use), we are unique in our obsessive focus on finding high-impact people. People that make all the difference to your organisation.

We have been sourcing high-impact performers since 2010. We have placed high-impact performers at leading companies such as SAB Miller, SA Home Loans and First National Battery (SA's largest Battery Manufacturer).

You may be thinking, "These guys have obviously helped some really prominent companies, are they able to find me a high-impact performer? My organisation is unique and so are my needs."

Good question. Every organisation is unique and so are the people required to make that organisation successful...

That's why we avoid worst practices:
  • We avoid lazy tactics like searching for CVs on databases hoping to find a CV that looks good, and then spamming customers with a whole lot of irrelevant CVs—leaving them to sort out the whole mess. And then still charging them for the privilege.
  • We don't spend 5 minutes putting up an ad on some job portal, hoping that the right person will apply for the job.
  • We also don't limit ourselves to head hunting a few passive candidates that we happen to know, when there is a much wider pool of brilliant candidates who also need to be considered.

As masters of talent sourcing excellence, we have spent many years perfecting our process and mastering our craft. We have taken the time to figure out what works when it comes to hiring people that have an impact. Where to source these people, and how to assess their fitness for your role.

DeepMatch™ Talent Sourcing and Assessment Process

We have taken 7 years to develop our unique DeepMatch™ talent sourcing and assessment process. Based on the best-of-the-best recruitment practices it is the only process of its kind. Here are some highlights:

  • Proprietary Role Definition Methodology – We have created a proprietary method of defining role requirements and then matching a person to those requirements. This includes softer attributes such as cultural fit and attitude. The key here, is that our process gets to the essence of what is required for role success. You would not perform surgery without a thorough analysis, so why would you do the same for your critical roles?
  • Broad Market Reach – We have developed a role marketing methodology that reaches over 95% of the market with your role (most jobs only reach about 30% of the market, that's why you need so many guys to help you with a job.). This gives us a larger pool of candidates to choose from (even Exec candidates). The more candidates the better the final selection quality. This also makes us one of the best when it comes to scarce skills roles such as the project manager with experience in building vaccine plants we sourced.
  • Best of the Best Selection Practices – We have benchmarked our assessment process against the best talent selection practices on Earth. Our practices are also based on leading academic research papers.
  • Career Effectiveness Analysis – We have developed proprietary career analysis techniques which enable us to differentiate between the brilliant, and the dud. It also allows us to assess for high potential.
  • Benchmarking Against the Best – We have developed a proprietary in-house assessment to evaluate how a person compares to the best of the best. This assessment has been benchmarked against over 5000 top performers. We also have developed specific benchmarks for certain types of roles such as CEOs, GCCs, Strategic Sales People and Executive Assistants.

We know that is quite a lot to take in, but it also shows our tireless and never-ending dedication to finding you the best person possible within your salary budget.

Our process is so effective that it was selected by Outsurance as their in-house process of choice.

That's why you can trust us to find the person that is uniquely able to build your organisation and make it more successful.

Do You Trust Just Anybody
With Sourcing Your Critical Talent?

Xenitho Executive Search

Can you imagine trusting your life to a brain surgeon, who does the job as quickly as possible, just to make a quick buck out of you? Who does not take the time to deeply understand what surgery needs to be performed and the best way to do it. You would not survive very long if you let that surgeon butcher you. That's why you would only want to entrust your brain to a reputable expert who is dedicated to doing it right.

In a sense, hiring someone new is like getting brain surgery. You are adding a new mind to your organisation. Someone that needs to gel with everyone, contribute new ideas and have an impact on the organisation. You don't want to hire just anyone, because the wrong hire can destroy the fabric of your organisation or break the momentum of your progress. And that is why you would only want to entrust your critical talent sourcing to a reputable partner with deep expertise in sourcing high-impact performers. Who is dedicated to doing the JOB RIGHT!

The partner who is uniquely equipped to finding you the best talent possible within your salary range. You would only want to entrust your talent sourcing to Xenitho.

Standard and Platinum Packages

We understand you and your business needs are unique. You need personalised service tailored to your organisation, your environment and your culture.

That's why we offer two different packages to better fit your needs.

If you need a basic talent sourcing solution, then our standard package will be sufficient. If you need a more personalised and customised solution then our platinum package will be a better fit.

Here is how the two packages compare:

Standard Package Platinum Package
Role Analysis and DefinitionEverything in the Standard Package + The Following
Writing Custom Role Spec2 Hr Site Visit to Understand Your Organisation and Culture
Development of Role Marketing MaterialsFace-to-face Role Analysis and Definition (Interviewing incumbent where possible)
Industry Leading Role Marketing (95% of market)Dedicated attention to your role via an Exclusive Mandate
Career Effectiveness AnalysisWeekly Feedback and Progress Updates
Benchmarking Against the BestPost Hire Support – 1 Month After Hire
Face-to-face Interviews (Telephonic when impractical)Post Hire Support – 3 Months After Hire
Candidate Report Compilation6 Month Guarantee
Submit Candidate Report and Profile
(Top 3 to 4 Candidates)
Manage Referencing Process
Manage Offer Process
3 Month Guarantee

As you can see, even the standard package is industry leading. As if this weren't enough, you also get the premium package option which takes talent sourcing to a whole new level.

Our Fees Are Reasonable,
Our Obsession is Maniacal

Who would you trust more, a cheap backyard brain surgeon or a competent but more expensive expert brain surgeon. When it comes to your life, the answer is obvious. The better guy, even though he costs more, because your brain is worth it.

Fortunately, for you our services only come at a small price premium. So, you don't have to break the bank to use us and you can afford to use the industry's leading experts in finding high-impact performers. 

Isn't it worth paying a little extra for a High-Impact Performer?

Our fees are as follows:

Salary Band Standard Package Platinum Package
(Salary Range: R1 Mil +)
19% of annual salary upon placement.17% of annual salary upon placement.
(Salary Range: R600K to R1 Mil)
18% of annual salary upon placement.16% of annual salary upon placement.
(Salary Range: R240K to R600K)
17% of annual salary upon placement.15% of annual salary upon placement.

PS: Yes, you did read it right. The price is lower for the platinum package. That is because we reward our partners with better pricing.

For a small price premium, you get exclusive access to our one-of-a-kind talent sourcing methodology. You get to hire high-impact performers who will build your organisation and take it to new heights. Instead of worrying about whether your next hire will be a flop.

Is a Small Price Premium Worth It?

Does it make sense to spend a little more for a high quality service, or should you just go for the cheapest possible option? Like hiring a cheap brain surgeon. Here's something to consider:

  • What is the cost of a mis-hire? A mis-hire can cost your organisation anything from Sixty Thousand Rand up to Five Hundred Million Rand (Actual Story). Just think about what mis-hires have cost your organisation. A risk you would want to avoid.
  • What is the benefit of hiring a high-impact performer? When you consider the length of a career and the positive impact the right person can have over a number of years in your organisation, possibly Millions of Rands. Perhaps more in some cases.

    For instance: An innovative engineer can come up with a product that transforms the industry leading to hundreds of millions of Rands in revenue. A good exec can grow the business by 20% p.a. year, after year, after year. A capable maintenance engineer can save 30 million Rand p.a. on maintenance costs. A skillful sales person can increase organisational revenue by 50% or even 300% (True story).

So, in the long run does a small price premium really matter when compared to the ruin a mis-hire can cause. Or, how dramatically an organisation can flourish when high-impact performers build it?

We think the answer is obvious... spend a little more for a high-impact performer because it is worth every cent!

Guarantee: You Pay Nothing Unless We Succeed

By now you may have noticed that you are getting the industry's leading talent sourcing solution. You may also be wondering why we don't charge our services on a retained basis? After all our service far exceeds that provided by those retained placement guys.

The answer is simple. We want you to feel confident that using us is the best decision you can ever make.

That is why we offer a triple barrel guarantee:


At Xenitho, we guarantee our work:

  • You don't pay us a cent unless we succeed in finding you a high-impact performer. All the risk is on us to help you. That means you can try us out at no risk to you.
  • We offer a 3 month quality guarantee on our standard package and an industry beating 6 month guarantee on our premium package. That is how confident we are that we can assist you.
  • We pledge our dedication to finding you the best person we can within your salary range. A high-impact performer (Unless your salary range does not allow this. In that case, we will find you the best we can get within your budget.)

We stand behind our word with our guarantee. The risk is on us to help you succeed.

      An Investment In Organisational Success

      About those two hiring managers mentioned at the top of this page: they both made a hiring decision at the same time.

      So, what made their organisations different?

      Having the Right Partner to Help them Find High-Impact Talent.

      Because people really do make all the difference in the world.

      Who are the People YOU Want to Work with Every day?

      One often overlooked aspect of hiring is the realisation that you may end up working with this person for the next 5 to 10 years of your life. Considering this, you need to ask yourself, "Who are the people I want to work with every day?"

      • High-impact people – who work together to come up with bold new industry innovations and breakthrough market offerings.
      • Average people – who go along with the flow, never contributing much and frustrating you.
      • Incompetent people – who hold everyone else back and break momentum, becoming a drag on your success.

      The answer is obvious: High-impact performers who make an uncommon difference. Who make working together exciting and rewarding. People you can feel proud of and who make you look good as a leader in your organisation.

      Use Xenitho For Your Next Critical Hire, Because We Guarantee Our Dedication To Your Success

      The time has come for you to choose whether you care enough about your success and the success of your organisation to pay a small price premium to consistently hire the movers and shakers that transform your organisation into something unique, special and game changing.

      Contact us now for a free consultation on your next hire:

      Or fill out the form below​...

      Enter Your Details So We Can Find You a High-Impact Performer

      PS: What have you got to lose? We guarantee our services. Use Xenitho for your next critical hire.​ Click here to contact us now.

      Xenitho - For High-Impact Performers